Friday, February 25, 2011

Carbs: A Girl's Best Friend

There are many great things about running I've come to appreciate over the years. The high after a great run, the sense of accomplishment after reaching a personal goal, the rewards of hard work and dedication. But one outweighs the rest, and that is carb loading.

Ok, maybe it isn't the greatest part of running, but it sure ranks high on the list.  Training for an endurance event is like a free pass to carb city. Physically, your body needs carbs for energy and to fuel workouts. It only takes one run to realize what it feels like when you haven't eaten enough carbs. When I trained for my half marathon last fall, soon into the training I thought, "This is great! I pretty much have to eat Brueggers Bagels on a regular basis!"

I will leave this post with an image of my week 2 Wednesday morning breakfast - an example of carb loading at it's finest. Coconut cashew chocolate chip pancakes from Friendly Toast in Kendall Square. Absolutely, amazing!

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