Monday, May 23, 2011

Hard Part's Over

It is now May 23rd and I am 13 days from my very first marathon! So close yet sooo far away. The week after the 18 miler, we ran 20 miles (such a surreal experience!) and then the 3rd week was 17. That was a hard three weeks! The 20 miler went well, the 17 wasn't as enjoyable. Burnout was the only way to describe it. But we made it through, and tapering had finally begun. 

As I reflect on the past 4 months and look forward to the next two weeks, I've realized the hard part is over. Yes, I have 26.2 miles left to run, but I've made it through training. I made it through the hilly long runs, the track workouts, the early Saturday mornings, the early Friday nights, the planning and organizing and schedules. The sore muscles and exhaustion and at times, the thoughts of "What am I doing?!". I've raised over $3,000 for a very worthy cause, which is my biggest accomplishment in all of this. I've learned about myself, about life, and about running. The marathon will truly be a celebration of the last four months and all the hard work that went into getting me to the start line. Whatever happens after the gun goes off doesn't matter all that much.

These next two weeks are rest and rejuvenation as I gear up to run San Diego on June 5th! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

18 miler!

This past Saturday we ran 18 miles! I still can't believe it. Here is how it went.

We gathered at BSC and at 8:00am headed for the T. We were going to take the green line to Woodland, the 2nd to last stop outbound. We were all a little anxious - we've never run this far!

We arrived at our destination where we met Coach and some other team members. Running in a new area is always fun, so we were looking forward to the change in scenery. We reviewed the course and where the water stations would be. I, being map challenged, usually rely on someone else to know where we're going. It's worked well so far,  but I hope I didn't just jinx myself! (this is why I always carry cash and T pass!)

After we all had a general idea of the course, coach said she had an inspirational moment to share. Over the past 13 weeks, team members have shared their personal experiences with surviving cancer, and others a relative. One woman told the story of her mother who has passed away from a rare type of brain cancer. While she was fighting the disease, her daughter (my current teammate) starting raising money and walking marathons. Her mother stood at the finish line of her first marathon with a spatula. When my teammate finished, she saw her mom and asked, "Why in the world do you have a spatula?" Her mother replied, "Because, I thought I was going to have to scoop you up off the ground". She still has that spatula.

This morning, coach shared the story of her own mother who would have turned 66 that very day, April 30th. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and went into remission after having experimental treatment. Years later it came back, but this time in her bones. She passed away a year and a half ago. Fighting back tears, she thanked all of us for doing what we are doing, because even though her mother didn't have Leukemia or Lymphoma, the money raised for cancer research affects all who battle the disease. And it also funds experimental treatments like the one her mother had which extended her life.

I was taken back by this story and her strength to tell it. My TNT coach is very inspirational for many reasons, and this added one more.

After that emotionally charged opening, we now had 18 miles ahead of us! And we're off! Two steps in, my new water belt starts bouncing everywhere. "Mechanical failure" as one of my running partners proclaimed. It sure was.  Then what every runner should live by flashed through my mind, "Don't try anything new (on a long run)!"

I ended up carrying it for a while, then strapping it around my shoulder on my back. It was at least some comic relief to me and my running mates. Mile 9 I ditched it at the first water station in my coach's car. It has since been returned to City Sports. Lesson (re)learned, don't try anything new!

We ran through Wellesley and then back to Boston on our favorite course, Heartbreak Hill. We stopped briefly at both water stations to goo and continued. Overall, we did great. We kept a steady pace, and ran strong. As we neared Boston, my legs started talking to me, but we were almost home. We ended back at BSC. We made it! 18 done!