Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 1: Let's Get This Party Started!

This is it, time to get organized and plan out my week. Sixteen weeks sounds like an awful lot, but as I looked over the training schedule it didn't seem that long! The whole thing pretty much fit on one page! Maybe I was over reacting. But I had a slight anxious feeling of 'I need more time! We need more weeks of training, the schedule looks too short!' After I came to my senses and realized the schedule was in fact a full 16 weeks, I calmed down. I tend to over react at the onset of a large project or challenge, and think I need double the time it will actually take to complete. I've come to appreciate the fact that this it's how I'm wired.  No one's perfect.

The training schedule as laid out by TNT consists of 2 strength training days, 2 cross training days, 1 easy run day, 1 long run day, and one rest day. Week one, my plan was as follows:

Sunday: Easy run
Monday: Cross train at the gym
Tuesday: Pilates
Wednesday: Cross train at the gym
Thursday: Pilates
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Group long run

I followed my week one schedule pretty close. The only modification was that I swapped out Wednesday's cross training day with a third Pilates class (optional makeup class for the ones we missed because of the weather). Pilates three days in a row was hard! I felt great Tue and Wed, but come Thursday my body was saying, 'this again?!?' As my teacher says "bring the mind in" and "do the breath". But on the third day I found it more difficult to focus and remain in the moment which is important in Pilates.

Other than that, I stuck to the schedule and come Friday was ready for my day off!

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